Energy of the Day

Sex, sex, sex! Has a day gone by this week that sex hasn't come up one way or another? Well, today won't either. But it won't be all fun and games; just some of it, and only if we let it. Physical uncertainty is in the air with lovers (or those whom we'd like to be): Wanting it, being too tired for it, being confused about it, and feeling generally irritated around it. Fortunately, the answer is a little creative playtime, and this isn't the time to leave our partners out.

[I read an article the other day that now seems apropos. Try it sometime. You'll either find out that your mate really does love you the way you are, or you'll find out that they don't, which is also good to know. ~P.]

Men, stand up for yourselves today. Be powerful (which is very much not the same as forceful), be ambitious, make plans, do what's best for you in transformative, evolutionary ways, keeping in mind that if it's not good for those around you, it's not in your own best interests either.

In fact, that's what's called for from all of us today, especially within our partnerships, to apply motivated, innovative energy to uprooting and destroying what's used up, worn out, and no longer worth keeping, and making our worlds more the way we want them to be.

Moments of Awareness, LLC
